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Stig Hadenius - Wikizero
1972 – 1979 Hans Hadenius 1980 – 1991 Per Ström 1992 – 1998 Lars Samuelsson 1999 – 2005 MAIF Cykel – OS deltagande 1984 och 1992. MAIF Fotboll Axel Hadenius is the author of USA, det annorlunda landet (2.50 avg rating, 2 ratings, 0 reviews), Democracy and Development (5.00 avg rating, 1 rating, Jamlikhet och frihet : politiska mal for den svenska grundskolan / Karin Hadenius. (this edition). Search. Search collection.
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“effectiveness of elections” by Hadenius (1992), and “constraints on the chiefexecutive”inthePolityIVdataset(Marshall&Jaggers,2000a).As statistical studies do not replicate the beneficial British effect (Hadenius 1992; Barro 1999; Prze-worski et al. 2000; Woodberry 2012), although Bernhard et al. (2004) and Olsson (2009) provide exceptions. Complementing these inconsistent empirical results, several prominent recent studies ambiguous and is open to highly diverse interpretations (Hadenius, 1992; Held, 1987; Lively, 1975). A more promising route might be to define democracy according to certain basic principles. Beetham seeks to isolate 'the core ideas or principles embodied in the historical conception of democracy as "rule of the people'" (1993= 6). in the British colonies, the opposite tended to be the case in the French ones (Hadenius, 1992: 130).
Publikationer: Bo Bengtsson - Institutet för bostads- och
19920118-XXXX. Civilstatus: Ogift. Lön och anmärkning: Se anonymt direkt. Deklaration 2020 godkända.
Venezuela under Hugo Chávez - Lund University Publications
av SI Lindberg · Citerat av 1 — sidan och dess ”idealkriterier” å den andra (Hadenius 1992; Hadenius & Teorell. 2005b). När det gäller baskriterierna finns en ganska stor samsyn bland. två undantag var samtliga av de 13 mest välutvecklade demokratierna bland utvecklingsländer i början av 90-talet ö-stater (Hadenius 1992). av A Cornell · Citerat av 6 — forskningen men man kan samtidigt konstatera att det råder ganska stor enighet kring demokratins kärna (Hadenius 1992; Hadenius och Teorell 2005). Den här.
9 Mar 2016 · Framgångspodden.
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Standard descriptive variables (generated by this package) extended_country_name Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author: Hadenius, Axel, 1945-; Format: Book; xi, 218 p. ; 24 cm.
Konflikt och samförstand. Stockholm 2000. Hadenius, Stig: Swedish politics during the 20th
F2001 · P2001 · F2000 · P2000 · F1999 · P1999 · F1998 · P1998 · F1997 · P1997 · F1996 · P1996 · F1995 · P1995 · F1994 · P1994 · F1993 · P1993 · F1992
av SH ocH lennart Weibull · Citerat av 8 — 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Hadenius, Stig, Weibull, lennart och Wadbring, ingela (2008) Massmedier. Pingis Hadenius är co-founder på Löwengrip (även CEO), Flattered, Econoista, Nordic Tech House Pingis var medlem i UA mellan 1992- 2007.
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Published. Uppsala : [Universitetet] ; Stockholm : distributor, Almqvist & Wiksell are certainly closely correlated in many cases (Hadenius, 1992). Nevertheless, important differences in performance in these regards do occur.
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Globalisering och demokrati - Svenskt Näringsliv
There is a low ratio of “signal” to “noise.” Modernization variables, particularly per capita GDP, almost always This holds true both when Hadenius (1992) and Coppedge and Reinicke (1990) are used as independent yardsticks, and in the 1980s and in 2000. It also holds true regardless of the choice of corruption index used to construct a measure of "effective democracy." Since the World Bank's index of "control of corruption" (the one preferred by Welzel Clague et al. 2001; Hadenius 1992), although the theoretical mechanism behind these re-lationships is rather obscure.
Hadenius, Axel - LIBRIS - sökning
Carlsson, Sverige, 2012. Inbunden. Cambridge University Press, Storbritannien, 1992. Stockholm: Bokförlaget DN Hadenius, Stig & Weibull, Lennart (1991). Jan 1992. Victor Sebestyen. Sebestyen, Victor (2006).
As argued by Kelley (2009), there are no shared standards for election monitors (neither between organisations nor for the same organisation over time). 2020-12-16 · ambiguous and is open to highly diverse interpretations (Hadenius, 1992; Held, 1987; Lively, 1975).